Andrew Davis on: Content… relationships… trust… success

Andrew Davis on: Content… relationships… trust… success





Andrew Davis on: Content… relationships… trust… success


Tony Hallett
Managing director

Tony set up Collective Content in 2011 so brands can more easily become publishers and tell stories. This built on 15 years in media, from reporter to publishing director at Silicon Media Group, CNET Networks and CBS Interactive.

“Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue.”

Andrew Davis, author and keynote speaker

OK, so he sounds a little like Yoda here. But we’ve got to agree with Andrew Davis because, well, what he says reminds me of an early exchange we had – not quite a ‘founder’s story’ but stick with me.

While Collective Content is almost five years old, it took a few months for us to find our groove. In 2012, a CMO at a large technology vendor put his finger on what we do. He said: “You help us have better conversations with our customers.” And to this day we’re still doing that for his company.

Davis’ comment is in the same vein. He takes it further by saying it is through those ongoing, useful conversations that trust is built. It can take years but that is the basis for every great content marketing programme in B2B.

Trust is really hard to earn and then to maintain. But it’s golden once you have it.

Think about the people and brands you trust. Then imagine your customers feeling the same way about you. It’s worth the effort. It will mean more revenue. And content is increasingly one of the key ways to get to that point.

